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Posted by audiori on 11-06-2004 at20:11:

  New tour reviews

Post some concert reviews and stuff people, we want to hear
how it's going. Smile

Posted by rob 3.0 on 11-07-2004 at09:26:


Are you guys going to make it to one of the shows?

Posted by audiori on 11-07-2004 at14:04:


Planning on it.. we tried to make it to the show in
Dayton but it didn't work out. Hopefully we can get
to the St Louis area show or maybe the Nashville one..
or both.

Posted by Marti on 11-09-2004 at04:52:


Surely someone is attending these shows.... Confused

Posted by brian on 11-10-2004 at16:43:

  RE: New tour reviews

Went to the Dayton show. Always good to see the Cosenzas! Thanks for everything Curt & Deb!!!

It was a small setting at Canal Street. Regardless, we were treated to a top-notch show from Mike and Mark. After attending this show, I'm kicking myself for not getting a gig set up in my town.

7 & 7 iS opened with some traditional tunes like "MT", "Ba Ba Ba Ba", and other assorted 7's tunes. However, the guys performed some new stuff as well. "Glory Train" and "Thank You For Your Dreams" come to mind and maybe a couple of others from the new "Fun With Sound" release.

Mike and Mark sounded great! They were in good spirits and really seemed to have a good time. The crowd had the chance to catch up with the guys. A really relaxed, but social setting.

The Cosenzas' put on a great 25th anniversary party for the 77s that night as well. Everyone was treated to one of the only official 77s (celebratory) cakes I've ever seen or heard of. The guys were presented with a 25th anniversary commemorative poster showcasing the past 25 years through past photos and concert events.

Speaking of "Fun With Sound", has anyone heard this thing? It's pretty incredible!!! It is as solid as anything the 77s have done in years. What kills me is that the very last song reminds me of the "Drowning With Land In Sight" record, while everything else throughout reminds me of a mix between mike's solo work and the 77s. A Perfect 7 & 7 iS record!!!

Thanks Mike and Mark for a great show! Thanks again to the Cosenzas as well!


Posted by Marti on 11-11-2004 at04:45:

  RE: New tour reviews

Thank you for the review!

Posted by lam77s on 11-11-2004 at11:21:

  RE: New tour reviews

Originally posted by brian
Speaking of "Fun With Sound", has anyone heard this thing? It's pretty incredible!!!

NO!!! I haven't!!! AHHHH!!!!!! Frown

Posted by Bryan on 11-12-2004 at06:33:


Went to the show in Mount Vernon ohio. I must say it was excellent. I think it had been almost two years since i saw any form of the 77s. It was a great mix of new stuff and old stuff. Their playing was better than it had been in several years.
The new material sounded really good, I wasn't sure what to expect from it, but I was pleasently surprised.
The ending of the show was pretty fun, some guy in the audience paid mike to keep playing, they then played some bob dylan and some doors (riders on the storm), some thing else too. Finally closed with Ache beautiful. Fairly long show, 2.5 to 3 hours. very enjoyable, excellent sound, everything we expect from mike and mark.
Oh, this was the most impressed I have been with Marks playing, he was looping 3 or 4 parts on some of the songs, made for a nice full sound.
Thanks for touring guys.

Posted by larryl on 11-12-2004 at07:00:


Originally posted by Bryan

Oh, this was the most impressed I have been with Marks playing, he was looping 3 or 4 parts on some of the songs, made for a nice full sound.
Thanks for touring guys.

yea...this whole thing mark is doing live is really cool.......and he is one heck of a bass player, to boot!!!!

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