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-- Website Email (http://www.TheLostDogs.com/wbb77/thread.php?threadid=4206)

Posted by audiori on 10-20-2007 at10:29:

  Website Email

We seem to have something weird going on with our website email. We've always had a person here and there that had a hard time getting a hold of us, but it seems like in the last six months or so.. its just gotten to be horrible. Some aren't getting our emails when we email them, and we're clearly not getting a lot of other peoples emails.

If anyone has a difficult time contacting us through the regular addresses, try one of these.. at least until we can figure out whats going on with the regular addresses.

(remove the dashes after the "g".. )


Posted by audiori on 02-25-2008 at19:42:


Just a note on recent emails. After our computer died not long ago, we've had to get caught up on a lot of things. All orders are up to date and shipped including any that were held up from the dead machine.

However, we are still digging out of the email hole. If you've written recently (as in the last couple of weeks or so) and have not heard anything from us - please give us at least a few more days before you try writing again. We're trying to get through it as fast as we can, but we do receive a lot of email and it can take 15-20 minutes to answer a single email in some cases.

Thanks for understanding.

Posted by Doctor Love on 02-25-2008 at22:08:

  check your email

Just sent a note to your audiori email about all this. Hope you are getting all my emails Wink

Posted by audiori on 02-25-2008 at22:42:


I think so... yopurs and Terry's seem to come through fine.

I replied to the one that was just sent by the way... and I replied to one yesterday or the day before. If you didn't get them, let me know.

It actually seems like thje issue with the 77s.com and DanielAmos.com addresses is improving. I haven't noticed any problems in the last couple of weeks.

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