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What is your favorite Lost Dogs album or song?
Optional Information (All fields are optional.)
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MSN Messenger Email:
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Your signature will be shown at the end of your posts.

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User Text:
Enter a short informative text about yourself which will be shown in your profile.
Where do you live?
favorite dogs song:
What is your favorite Lost Dogs song?
What do you do for a living?

Registration, Cookies & Privacy
Use Ghost-Mode?
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Remember Me?
Select this option if you want to be logged in automatically every time you come to the forums.
Private Messages, Email & Notification
Can the Admins email you?
Select this option (recommended) if you want to allow Admins to inform you by email about important events or problems. For example, you might get an email in case of server issues. We will not send SPAM!
Hide email address?
Select this option if you don't want other members to see your email address in your public profile. Only administrators and moderators will be able to see it.
Can members email you using the formmailer?
Select this option if you want to allow other members to send you emails through the formmailer (even if they don't know your email).
Enable email notification by default?
Select this option if you want email notification to be checked automatically when you post a new thread or reply.
Would you like to recieve a notification by Email instead of Private Message?
Choose this option, if you want to recieve notifications by Private Message about new posts.
Can members send you private messages?
Select this option if you want to allow other members to send you private messages.
Email Notification on new PM?
Select this option if you want to be informed by email when you receive a new private message.
Pop Up Notification on new PM?
Select this option if you want to be informed by a pop up when you receive a new private message.
Forum Display Settings
Show other members' signatures?
Select this option if you want other members' personal signatures to be displayed in their posts.
Show other members' avatars?
Select this option if you want other members' avatars to be displayed in their posts.
Show images in posts?
Select this option if you want images to be displayed in posts. Otherwise there will be a link to the images.
Threads Display:
Posts per page:
Select the number of posts you want displayed on each page of a thread. 20 posts is the usual standard.
Threads Structure Display:
Date & Time
Date Format:
Enter the format in which you want the dates to be displayed in the forums. The format should follow the syntax from the PHP date() function.
Time Format:
Enter the format in which you want the time to be displayed in the forums. The format should follow the syntax from the PHP date() function.
Start of the Week:
Select the day you consider to be the first of the week.
Timezone Offset:
Select the timezone you live in. All the times in the forums are going to be indicated according to your timezone.
Additional Settings
Use the Extended Editor?
The Extended Editor helps you to compose messages and at the same time visualize BBCodes while writing a message. The Extended Editor requires Javascript to be activated and the Java1.4-Plugin to be installed.
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Select Language:

Forum Software: Burning Board 2.3.4, Developed by WoltLab GmbH